Ромашков А.П., Москвин С.В.

Метрологическое обеспечение лазерной медицинской техники: задачи и перспективы развития

Ромашков А.П., Москвин С.В.

ВНИИОФИ, г. Москва; НПЛЦ «ТЕХНИКА», г . Москва

Ключевые слова: лазерное излучение, лазерная техниха, лазерная терапия, метрология


State of the Art of Measurement Assurance of Laser Medical Equipment: Development Problems and Prospects

A.P. Romashkov, S.V. Moskvin

In conclusion, we shall point out that the creation, elaboration, and perfection of measurement assurance of laser medical equipment make it possible not only to ensure safe and efficient application of laser therapeutic and diagnostic techniques, but also to considerably raise the objectivity of existing diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.

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